Last Updated: Jun 10, 2022

While the fundamentals of SEO remain the same, search engine algorithms are constantly changing and digital updates are continually being rolled out. As a result, keeping your SEO up to date 24/7 remains a challenge for all businesses. 

That’s why this week I rounded up some must-read articles all focused on current SEO trends and techniques to help guide your strategies to ultimate success, including methods to improve your search results and traffic, the best free local SEO tools, on-page SEO tips, and much more. 

Let’s dive into this week’s round-up now. 

10 SEO Strategies to Increase Search Engines Rankings” by Erik Emanuelli 

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With SEO changing all the time, keeping your strategies fresh can be challenging. This week internet marketer and blogger, Erik Emanuelli, covered ten of the latest methods to increase search results which is sure to help. 

The first strategy Emanuelli covers is keyword research, which he notes is one of the most important things to do when working on improving your SEO. Some of the other methods he includes are boosting on-page SEO, working on technical SEO, and building up your backlinks. 

Are you implementing any of these SEO trends? If not, it might be a good time to update your strategy with some of the techniques mentioned in Emanuelli’s article to improve your SEO and generate better results. 

Local SEO: 9 Free Tools” by Ann Smarty

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For small businesses, local SEO is critical as it ensures you’re reaching an incredibly important customer base: your local community members. Luckily, there are plenty of free tools available to help enhance local SEO that businesses all over the world are increasingly using. SEO expert and community and brand manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas, Ann Smarty, covered nine of them this week. 

Number one on Smarty’s list is the most useful free tool of them all: search engine giant Google’s Business Profile tool. When a customer first searches your business, your Google Business Profile is usually the first thing that pops up in the search results, making it essential to get it just right. Some of the other tools she covers include GMBspy, GS Location Changer, and Postamatic.

If improving your local SEO is at the top of your list, why not consider using some tools to help? Be sure to take a look at Smarty’s article to find the perfect tools for your ecommerce business. 

The Only 29 Free SEO Tools You Need” Si Quan Ong

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Sticking to free SEO tools also this week, but looking at tools that aid all areas of SEO, was Ahref content marketer, Si Quan Ong

To monitor your website’s SEO health, Ong suggests using Ahrefs Webmaster Tools. However, to check in on important aspects such as your core web vitals, Ong recommends Google Search Console. Some other fantastic tools he lists include AlsoAsked, Keyworddit, and Hunter.


While short and sweet, Ong’s article is a great base for all the latest and best SEO tools in one place. Give it a read to find the best tools suited to your needs. 

10 Ways to Update Your Social Media and SEO Strategies Using New Tech Trends” by Annie Pilon 


Trends come and go every day in the world of digital marketing, especially when it comes to SEO. Covering some of the top social media and SEO trends for 2022 this week was Small Business Trend writer, Annie Pilon

Some of the trends Pilon covers include conducting audits, using user-orientated tests to improve SEO, and being prepared for the evolution of connectivity. However, one of the more beneficial tips she gives is to stay current in the SEO game by keeping up to date with new updates and checking in with SEO experts regularly. As an added bonus, she also covers a few social media trends, such as simple methods to create content.

Are you engaging in any of these current SEO strategies and trends? If not, be sure to give Pilon’s article a read this week. 

8 Essential On-Page SEO Factors for Fast Impact” by Emily Greene

Optimizing your on-page content is another modern technique that many marketers and businesses use to achieve fast results. And according to senior SEO manager at Stella Rising, Emily Greene, sometimes just the smallest tweaks can go a long way towards achieving a better search engine ranking. 

Greene gets straight to the point in her article, diving right into the most important on-page SEO elements to ramp up your traffic and increase search rankings. Some of these include better title tags, creating rich and high-quality content, including FAQ pages, and ensuring all your images have descriptive alt text. On-page SEO is incredibly important and when done well, can do wonders to your search rankings. 

Seven Factors That Can Impact SEO’s ROI” by Corey Morris 


Although SEO has been around for more than three decades, gaining success from it still requires a lot of work. As a result, some small businesses try to avoid SEO altogether. President of Voltage, Corey Morris, instead argues that if small businesses started looking at SEO as an investment, some of their headaches might start to disappear. 

According to Morris, just like any investment, you can expect to have returns when you work hard on your SEO. He then covers seven factors that impact SEO’s return on investment, including dedicating resources, taking the time to learn about SEO, and then engaging in the overall process. 

When you dedicate time to your SEO, the results can be incredible for your business. If it’s time for your business to start looking at SEO as an investment to ramp up your efforts, make sure to look at Morris’ article this week. 

The Importance of SEO: 13 Benefits That Make It a No-Brainer Investment” by Neal Schaffer

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No matter where you go on the internet today, there are always experts and articles telling you that SEO is important. While it is certainly true, we should still ask why. Getting to the root of SEO this week, covering 13 benefits that make it a ‘no-brainer investment,’ was author, digital marketing expert, and founder of, Neal Schaffer

According to Schaffer, SEO is essential to any brand looking to improve its distribution and overall reputation today. He then lists the benefits of SEO in greater detail, including covering how it increases visibility, page authority, and ranking, and how it impacts the buying cycle and helps your business to stand out from competitors. 

SEO is essential to any online business today, and when done right can provide decent returns. If you’re still not convinced, be sure to give Schaffer’s article a further read. 

4 SEO Copywriting Tips for Sharper, More Effective Copy” by Tony Wright 


Content still reigns as king in the world of digital marketing. However, keeping your content SEO-friendly is always a challenge. Here with the latest tips to help improve your SEO copywriting and consistently achieve positive results was CEO at WrightIMC, Tony Wright

Wright’s first tip is to target only two or three keywords or keyword phrases in your written content, which will help produce more focused content while keeping it SEO friendly. His other tips include breaking up your copy, always keeping your keywords in mind when crafting content, and finally reading your copy out loud before hitting publish. 

With the internet being more and more crowded with content, it’s becoming increasingly important to get elements such as this right when it comes to SEO. If your written content could use an SEO upgrade, check out Wright’s article this week. 

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Improve Content Lead Generation with These Keyword Research Tips” by Peter Rosler 


Another way to keep your content SEO-friendly is by mastering keyword research, which many experts note as a must-do in the modern competitive online environment. President of Small Business SEO, Peter Rosler, covered the subject this week which is sure to steer your strategy in the right direction. 

According to Rosler, the first step to any SEO strategy is conducting keyword research, which usually involves finding and analyzing common search queries related to your industry. He then lists some tips to help with the process, such as brainstorming keywords for web pages, doing desk research, taking a look at what your competitors are doing, and even asking your current customers what their common search queries are. 

Getting your keywords nailed down is crucial to your site and web pages being found online today. To find out more about how to improve your keyword research, be sure to give this article a read. 

5 SEO Mistakes Small Businesses Need To Stop Making” by Aaron Agius 


It’s not surprising that small businesses often make mistakes when dealing with SEO due to the fact that they are often strapped for cash or simply do not have enough time. However, sometimes all it takes is the smallest of changes to rectify a mistake and get your SEO back on track. Managing Director of Louder Online, Aaron Agius, covered five of these mistakes this week and how to avoid them. 

Some of the mistakes Agius lists include lack of goal setting, ignoring mobile traffic, and thinking all website content must be text. However, perhaps the most prominent mistake he notes is businesses using old school tactics, such as keyword stuffing, which in the modern SEO world can lead your strategy down a path of doom. 


Those who have success with their SEO today are those who keep up to date with the latest trends, updates, and technologies, making it all the more important to regularly check in on what SEO experts have to say on the subject. Check out Agius’ article if you think your business is victim to one or more of these SEO mistakes. 

The Next Step: Keeping Your Content SEO-Friendly 

Many experts this week emphasized the importance of keeping your content SEO-friendly to ensure your site and content are ranking the best they can in search engines. 

If you’d like your content to be more SEO-friendly, here’s how you can get started:

Step One: The first step to having your content rank well in search engines is to carry out keyword research, which will ensure you dominate search results while also reaching the right audience. Check out this article to help with this step. 

Step Two: Next is to ensure you’re optimizing all your content to keep search engines happy, such as using small paragraphs in your written content, writing catchy headlines, implementing structured data techniques, optimizing meta descriptions and images, using alt text on images, and proper link building. 

Step Three: The final and perhaps most important step today, particularly to ensure you’re appearing in Google search results, is to optimize your content for mobile devices. To do this, you’ll want to consider using a responsive design that converts well to a mobile site. 

To go the extra mile and embrace some new mobile trends that also will help improve your SEO, you could consider using long-tail search queries to support voice search, integrating your social media channels, and creating video content. 

Pro Tip: To help with all these steps and more, it might be a good idea to consider using SEO tools to aid productivity and the proofing process. And as an added bonus, many of these are free! Some great SEO tools include Ahrefs SEO Keyword Tool, Google Search Console, and Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest.

If you’d like help driving relevant traffic to your site, reach out today for your free
20-minute consultation! I’ve helped many companies grow and I can help you too.

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